Description This full cast production is a hilarious comedy that celebrates the Jewish holiday of Purim. Join us as Eshter and Mordichai outsmart the evil Hamon and save the Jewish people from destruction. God always has the last laugh, and so do those who love Him! Besides laughter, your people will learn the deep meaning of Purim and will have a greater appreciation for what our Jewish brothers and sisters are facing even now. And the greatest lesson of all is how the Lord truly does work all things together for good to those who are called according to His purpose. Based a little loosely on the book of Esther from the SUV (Slightly Unorthodox Version) This play is written by Polli Rychlik and Fran Kraft |
Logistics & Setup Casting & Rehearsal: Esther/Hadassah, King Xerxes, Haman, Mordichai, 2 guards/servants, Vashti, Haman's Wife, additional women and others for extras including young "lovelies" for the harem. Casting should be done ahead of time, before we get there. The cast needs to work on their parts ahead of time. We will provide scripts for them. This play needs at a minimum a 4 hour rehearsal time prior to the event. We usually do this rehearsal the day before the event. Sound Management: If possible, we would like to have the person responsible for sound management to be available during at least part of the scheduled Rehearsal. A handheld or stand mic for the narrator. Our music and sound is on CD. Costumes: The cast should plan on providing their own costumes. Costumes need to be as opulent as possible - women should wear lots of sparkly jewelry, Men should also be very sparkly - all cast members will be from the Kings court. Mordicai and Hadasah need simpler costumes for their parts. Hadasah, transformed into Esther needs an oppulent costume as well Props: Throne, Scepter, Crown, Couch, Hobby Horse, Scroll, Ice Pack, Large Jar of Tums, Podium, Big Fans. Set should be decorated in a "Palatial" way - couch covered with satin or velvet, etc and can be just 3 or 4 chairs put together and covered with pretty material. Also, very large gaudy/sparkly tote bag. Arrival Time: DCM & local Cast will arrive at least 1 hour before the service starts to work out last minute details. Rooms & Water: Two rooms are needed for the men and women to change into costume. Also, please provide water. Information Table: A table or space on a table for information about this ministry to be set out. It doesn't have to be a large space but we would like it if it could be in a visible location. |