Oct. 21, 2001 - Hope of Israel, Valparaiso IN
"Sermon on the Mount"
Oct. 2001- Logansport Vineyard, Logansport, IN.
"Sermon on the Mount"
Nov 11, 2001 - Eden Community Church, Topeka, IN.
"Sermon on the Mount"
Nov. 14, 2001 - Grace College, Winnona Lake, IN,
"Sermon on the Mount"
Nov. 18, 2001 - New Harvest Ministries, S.Bend, IN -
"Sermon on the Mount"
Feb 13 2002 - River Park United Methodist, S.Bend, IN, Ash Wednesday "The Last Supper"
Mar. 2002 - Logansport Vineyard. Logansport, IN. "Sermon on the Mount"
Mar. 24 2002 - Valparaiso Vineyard. Valparaiso, IN. "The Last Supper"
Mar. 28 2002 - Hope Rescue Mission, S. Bend, IN - Munday Thursday "The Last Supper"
Mar 29 2002 - Good Friday Service - Shipshawana IN. Area Churches: Hosted by Topeka Mennonite Church, Participating churches include: Community Fellowship, Eden Community, Maple Grove, Emma Mennonite, Topeka Mennonite, Topeka Baptist and Topeka United Methodist "The Last Supper"
Apr 17/02 - Canaan Assembly of God, Banning, Ca. - Wed. 7pm "The Last Supper"
Apr. 20/02 - Ohav Shalom, Palm Springs, Ca, - Sunday 10am "The Sermon on the Mount" & Television interview
Apr. 21/02 - Colton Vineyard, Colton, Ca. - Sunday 10am "The Last Supper"
Apr. 21/02 - Lake Elsinore Vineyard, Lake Elsinore, Ca. - Sunday 4:30pm "The Last Supper"
May 18 2002 - St. Matthews Pentecostal, S.Bend, IN. "Sermon on the Mount"
May 19 2002 - Living Scripture Church, S.Bend, IN - Sun. 10am
"Sermon on the Mount"
June 2/02 - Mennonite Church, Grants Pass, OR - Sunday 10am "Sermon on the Mount"
June 2/02 - Fruitdale Church of the Brethren, Grants Pass, OR Sunday 6pm "Sermon on the Mount"
June 4/02 - Carter Home Fellowship, Eugene, OR - Tuesday 7pm "Sermon on the Mount"
June 16 2002 - Living Scripture Church, S.Bend, IN "Sermon on the Mount"
July 7/02 - Scranton Rd. Baptist Church, Cleveland, OH. Sun. 6:30pm "Sermon on the Mount"
July 28/02 - Melrose Vineyard Christian Fellowship, Melrose, MA. Sun. 9am & 11am "Sermon on the Mount"
July 31/02 - Shokan Wesleyan, Shokan, N.Y. - Wed. 7pm "The Sermon on the Mount"
August 1/02 - Woodstock Village Green, Woodstock NY - Thursday PM "Sermon on the Mount"
Aug. 4/02 - Chatham Baptist Church, Chatham, MA - Sunday 10am "The Last Supper"
Aug. 11/02 - Quincy Walliston Church of the Nazarene. Quincy, MA - Sunday 11am "The Sermon on the Mount"
Aug 11/02 - Grace Chapel, Wellfleet, MA. - Sunday 6pm "The Sermon on the Mount"
Aug. 14/02 - Faith Assembly of God, Webster, Ma. - Wed. 7pm "The Sermon on the Mount"
Aug 16/02 - WEBSTOCK FESTIVAL - Faith Assembly of God, Webster, Ma. - Friday 7pm "The Last Supper"
Aug. 18/02 - Vienna Assembly of God, Vienna, VA - Sunday 10am "Sermon on the Mount"
Aug. 18/02 - Arlington Assembly of God, Arlington, VA. - Sunday 6pm "Sermon on the Mount"
Aug. 21/02 - Manassas Assembly of God, Manassas, VA. Wed.
6pm "Sermon on the Mount"
Sept. 22/02, Sun. 10am - Four Winds Church, Decatur, MI. "Sermon on the Mount"
Sept. 22/02, Sun. 6pm - Victory Tabernacle, Dowagiac, MI. "Sermon on the Mount"
Oct. 6/02, Sun. 10:45am - Faith Christian Center, South Bend, IN."Last Supper Shalom"
Oct. 13/02, Sun. 10:30am - Carland-Zion Brethren In Christ, Owosso, MI."Sermon on the Mount"
Oct. 20/02, Sun. 10:45am - Faith Victory Fellowship, Buchanan, MI."Sermon on the Mount"
Oct. 26./-2, Sat. 9:30am Sabbath School - East Salem Seveth Day Adventist Church, Salem, OR. "Sermon on the Mount"
Oct. 27/02, Sun. 10am - Redwood Country Church Brethren in Christ, Grants Pass, OR. "Sermon on the Mount"
Oct. 27/02, Sun. 6pm - Rogue Valley Baptist Grants Pass, OR."Sermon on the Mount"
Oct. 30/02, Wed. 7pm - Northland Assembly of God, Bakersfield, CA."Sermon on the Mount"
Nov. 3/02, Sun. 10:30am - Valley Assembly of God, Cathedral City, CA. "Sermon on the Mount"
Nov. 3/02, Sun. 4pm - Grace Missionary Fellowship, Torrance, CA. "Sermon on the Mount"
Nov. 4/02, Mon. 10:30am - Unified Care Services Nursing Home, Torrance, CA. "Sermon on the Mount"
Nov. 6/02, Wed. 7pm - First Assembly of God, Azusa, CA. "Sermon on the Mount"
Nov 6 - 8/02, - Global Missions Conference, Azusa Pacific University, Azusa, CA "Sermon on the Mount" & "Last Supper Shalom"
Nov. 9/02, Sat. 10am - Temple Baruch Hashem, Desert Springs, CA. "Sermon on the Mount"
Nov. 10/02, Sun. 9:15 & 11am - Banning Baptist Church, Banning, CA "Last Supper Shalom"
Nov. 16/02, Sat. 6:30pm - St. Matthews Pentecostal Church, South Bend, IN. "Sermon on the Mount"
Nov. 17/02, Sun. 11:00am - First Baptist Union, Union, MI. "Sermon on the Mount"
Nov. 20/02, Wed. 6:30 & 7:50 pm - First Baptist Church, Bedford, Iowa Two Presentations of "Sermon on the Mount"
Nov. 21/02, Thurs.6:30 pm - First Baptist Church, Clarinda, Iowa "Sermon on the Mount"
Nov, 24/02, Sun.10:30am - First Baptist Church, Mt.Ayr, Iowa; "Sermon on the Mount"
Nov, 24/02, Sun. 6:30pm - First Baptist Church, Red Oak. Iowa. "Sermon on the Mount"
Dec. 1/02, Sun. 10am - Scranton Rd. Baptist Church, Cleveland, OH. "Last Supper Shalom"
Dec. 8/02, Sun. 10am - Calvary Chapel, Estancia Valley, N.M. "Sermon on the Mount"
Dec. 8/02, Sun. 6pm - Calvary Chapel, Santa Fe, NM "Sermon on the Mount"
Dec. 9, Mon. 9am - Calvary Chapel Santa Fe Christian School, Santa Fe, NM "Sermon on the Mount"
Dec. 11/02, Wed. 7pm - Calvary Chapel Ruidoso, Ruidoso, NM. "Sermon on the Mount"
Dec. 15/02, Sun. 9:15 & 11am - Calvary Chapel of Sun City, El Paso, TX. "Sermon on the Mount"
Dec. 15/02, Sun. 6pm - Vineyard Chaparral, Chaparral, NM. "Sermon on the Mount"
Dec. 29/02, Sun. 6pm - New Harvest Ministries, South Bend, IN. "Last Supper Shalom"
Dec. 29/02, Sun. 10:30am - Ambassadors of Love, South Bend, IN. " Last Supper Shalom"
Dec. 31/02, Tues. 6pm - New Years Eve Service - Christian Embassy, Niles MI. "Last Supper Shalom"
2003 Schedule
Winter 2003
January 2003
Jan. 12, Sun. 11am - Penn Friends Church, Cassopolis, MI. "Sermon on the Mount" and another photo link
Jan. 19, Sun. 10am - Covenant Christian Church, Benton Harbor, MI. "Sermon on the Mount"
Jan. 19, Sun. 4:30pm - Father's House, LaPorte, IN. "Sermon on the Mount"
Jan. 26, Sun. 10:30am - Bethel Baptist Church, Springfield, OH. "Sermon on the Mount"
Jan. 31, Fri. 7pm - Baruch Hashem, Highland, NY. "Sermon on the Mount"
February 2003
Feb. 1, Sat. 6:30pm - Shokan Wesleyan, Shokan, NY. "Sermon on the Mount" also see photo parade download
Feb. 2, Sun. 8:45 & 11am - Living Word Chapel, West Hurley, NY. "Sermon on the Mount"
Feb. 8, Sat. 10am - Ohav Shalom, Cathedral City, CA. "Last Supper Shalom"
Feb. 9, Sun. 11am - San Gabriel Valley Christian Fellowship, CA"Sermon on the Mount"
Feb. 12, Wed. 7pm - Riverside Brethren In Christ, Riverside, CA. "Sermon on the Mount"
Feb. 15, Sat. 9:30am - Women Aglow, Cathedral City, CA. "Sermon on the Mount"
Feb. 16, Sun. 10am - Merryville Christian Fellowship - Cherry Valley, CA. "Sermon on the Mount"
Feb. 16, Sun. 1:30 - Cherry Valley Health Care Facility - Cherry Valley, CA. "Sermon on the Mount"
Feb. 23, Sun. 10am - Calvary Chapel Worship Center Assembly of God, Wabash, IN. "Sermon on the Mount"
Feb. 24, Mon. 10am - Taylor University Chapel Service, Fort Wayne, IN. "Sermon on the Mount"
Feb. 24, Mon. 1:30pm - Calvary Christian School at Calvary Chapel Worship Center AG, Wabash, IN. "Sermon on the Mount"
March 2003
Mar. 2, Sun. 11am - Four Winds Fellowship, Decatur, MI. "Last Supper Shalom"
Mar. 2, Sun. 6:30pm - Topeka Mennonite, Topeka, IN. "Sermon on the Mount"
Mar. 9, Sun. 10:30am - Carland Zion Brethren In Christ, Owosso, MI. "Last Supper Shalom"
Mar. 9, Sun. 6pm - Ovid Lenten Service of United Methodist Churches, Ovid, MI. "Sermon on the Mount"
Mar. 16, Sun. 8am & 10:45am - Calvary Chapel, Alamagordo, NM. "Sermon on the Mount"
Mar. 16, Sun. 6:15pm - First Baptist Church of Bosque Farms, NM. "Sermon on the Mount"
Mar. 19, Wed. 6:30pm - Calvary Chapel Rio Rancho, Rio Rancho, NM. "The Sermon on the Mount"
Mar. 20, Thu. 7pm - Calvary Chapel Silver City, NM. "Sermon on the Mount"
Mar. 23, Sun. 6:30pm - Calvary Chapel, Santa Fe NM. "Last Supper Shalom"
Mar. 30, Sun. 10:45am - Faith Victory Fellowship, Buchanon, MI. "Last Supper Shalom"
Mar. 30, Sun. 1:45pm - Grace Brethren, Mishawaka, IN. "Sermon on the Mount"
Spring 2003
April 2003
Apr. 6, Sun. 9 & 11am - Metro Vineyard North (Melrose Vineyard), Melrose, MA. "Last Supper Shalom"
Apr. 6, Sun. 6pm - Malden First Church of the Nazarene, Malden, MA. "Last Supper Shalom"
Apr. 9, Wed. 6pm - Calvary Chapel, Cape Cod, MA. "The Sermon on the Mount"
Apr. 13, Sun. 11am - Eden Community Church, Topeka, IN. "Last Supper Shalom"
Apr. 18, Fri. 7pm - Agape Family, Three Rivers, MI. "Last Supper Shalom"
Apr. 27, Sun. 9am & 11am - Montgomery Assembly of God, Cincinnati, OH. "Sermon on the Mount"
Apr. 27, Sun. 6pm - Whites Family Services Chapel, Wabash, IN. "Sermon on the Mount"
May 2003
May 4, Sun. 10am - City Chapel, South Bend, IN. "Sermon on the Mount"
May 18, Sun. 10am - First Church of God, Wasbash, IN. "Sermon on the Mount"
May 18, Sun. 6pm - Calvary Baptist Church, South Bend, IN. "Sermon on the Mount"
May 20, Tues. 10am - Hope Rescue Mission, South Bend, IN. "The Olivet Discourse".
May 25, Sun. 8:30 & 11am - New Community Brethren in Christ, Pomona, CA. "The Sermon on the Mount"
May 25, Sun. 6:30pm - Dominion Celebration, Moreno Valley, CA. "The Sermon on the Mount"
Summer 2003
June 2003
June 1, Sun. 10:30am - Mokleumne Hill Community Church, Mokelumne Hill, CA. "Sermon on the Mount"
June 1, Sun. 6pm - Railroad Flat Community Church, Railroad Flat, CA. "Sermon on the Mount"
June 8, Sun. 10am - Owosso Assembly of God, Owosso, MI. "Sermon on the Mount"
June 15, Sun. 10am - New Beginnings Church of the Nazarene, South Bend, IN. "The Sermon on the Moung"
Volina Baptist VBS Week
"A.D. 29"
Photos: Marketplace AD 29 at Volinia Baptist, MI.
June 16 - 20, 11:30am VBS - Volinia Baptist Church, Decature, MI. "New Testament Excerpts"
June 20, Fri. Noon - Closing Program Volinia Baptist Church, Decature, MI. "Sermon on the Mount"
June 20, Fri. 7pm - Evening Family Program,Volinia Baptist Church, Decature, MI. "Sermon on the Mount"
June 22, Sun. 6pm - Evening Family Program, Volinia Baptist Church, Decature, MI. "Sermon on the Mount"
June 22, Sun. 10am - Family Worship Center, Goshen, IN. "The Sermon on the Mount"
June 29, Sun. 6pm - Christ Baptist Church, Albuqurque, NM. "The Sermon on the Mount"
July 2003
July 2, Wed. 6:30pm, Calvary Chapel, Roswell, NM. "The Sermon on the Mount"
July 3, Thurs. 5pm - the Not of This World Cafe, Roswell, NM. "The Sermon on the Mount"
July 3, Thurs. pm - Alien Parade - Roswell, NM - "My kingdom is not of this world"
July 6, Sun. 10am - New Life Community Church, Banning, CA. "The Sermon on the Mount"
July 9, Wed. 6pm - Canaan Assembly of God, Banning, CA. "The Temple & Olivet Discourse"
July 13, Sun. 8:45 & 10:45am - Calvary Chapel, Edgewood, NM. "The Sermon on the Mount"
July 13, Sun. 6pm - Restoration Church, Edgewood, NM. "The Sermon on the Mount
July 20, Sun. 10am, Faith Assembly of God, Webster, MA. "Temple & Mt. Olivet Discourse"
July 20, Sun. 6pm - Church of the Nazarene, Malden, MA. "Sermon on the Mount"
July 23, Wed. 7pm - Calvary Chapel, Sandwich, MA. "Sermon on the Mount"
July 27, Sun. 10am - First Light Church, Chatham, MA. "Temple & Mt. Olivet Discourse"
August 2003
Aug 2 & 3, Sat. 6:30pm & Sun. 10:30am - Freedom Road Community Church, Springfield, OH. "Sermon on the Mount" on Saturday & "Last Supper Shalom" on Sunday
Aug. 10, Sun. 10am - Vineyard, Rome City, IN. "Sermon on the Mount"
Aug 17, Sun. 10am - Community Congregational Church, South Bend, IN. "The Sermon on the Mount"
Aug. 29, Fri. 6:30pm - Go Ye Village Retirement Home, Tahlequah, Ok. "Sermon on the Mount"
Aug. 29, Fri. 10:50am - Markoma Christian School, Tahlequah, Ok. "Sermon on the Mount"
Aug. 31, Sun. 8:15am & 10:45am - Timothy Baptist, Muskogee, OK. "Sermon on the Mount"
Fall 2003
September 2003
Sep. 7, Sun. 10:45am - Christian Missionary Alliance Church, Wabash, IN. "Sermon on the Mount"
Sept. 14, Sun. 9:30am - Calvary Chapel Christian Fellowship, Howe, IN. "Sermon on the Mount"
Sept. 21, Sun. 10:45am - New Hope Community Church, Palatine, IL. "Sermon on the Mount"
Sept. 28, Sun. 10am - Vineyard, Valparaiso, IN. "Temple & Olivet Discourse"
October 2003
Oct. 3, 6pm - Sonlight Fellowship Wesleyan - South Bend, IN. "Sermon on the Mount"
Oct. 3, 10am - New Life Christian Fellowship, Mishawaka, IN. "Sermon on the Mount"
Oct. 12, 10:45am First Baptist Church, Bedford, IA. "Sermon on the Mount"
Oct. 12, Sun, 6:30pm -Trinity Christian Church, Decatur, IA. "Sermon on the Mount"
Oct. 19, Sun. 10:30am - Church on the Summit, Brooklyn, OH. "Sermon on the Mount"
Oct. 25, Sat. 7pm - Greater St. Matthews Church of God In Christ, South Bend, IN. "Temple & Olivet Discourse"
Oct. 26, Sun. 9:30 & 10:30am - Cornerstone Community Church, South Bend, IN. 9:30am Sunday School Teaching "Acting One" & 10:30 service"Sermon on the Mount"
Fall & Winter 2003
Nov. 1, Sun. 11am - Four Winds Fellowship, Decatur, MI. "Temple & Olivet Discourse"
Nov. 5, 6 & 7 - Wed, Thu. & Fri. - Azusa Pacific University Global Vision Week - DCM Booth, Demonstrations & Class Workshops - Azusa, Ca.
Nov. 8, Sat. 10am - Ohav Shalom, Palm Springs, CA. "Temple & Olivet Discourse"
Nov. 9, Sun. 10:30am - Valley Assembly of God, Cathedral City, CA. "Temple & Olivet Discourse"
Nov. 12, Wed. 6:15pm - Gateway Community Church, Chino, Ca. Awana & Parents - "Sermon on the Mount"
Nov. 13, Thurs. 8pm - Ohav Shalom, Palm Springs, CA. Street Fair Ministry - "The Walking Word - Sermon on the Mount"
Nov. 15, Sat. 10am - Simchah Yeshua, West Covina, CA. "Sermon on the Mount"
Nov. 16, Sun. 9 & 11am - Calvary Chapel, Banning, CA. "Sermon on the Mount"
Nov. 16, Sun. 6pm - Caanan Assembly of God, Banning, Cal. "Sermon on the Mount"
Nov. 23, Sun. 10:30am - Freedom Road Community Church, Springfield, OH. "Temple & Olivet Discourse"
Nov. 30, Sun. 6pm - Christ Church, Albuquerque, NM. "Temple & Olivet Discourse
December 2003
Dec. 4, Thur. 7pm - Calvary Chapel, Santa Fe, NM. "Temple & Olivet Discourse"
Dec. 6, Sat. 10am - Baruch Hashem, Rio Rancho, NM. "Sermon on the Mount"
Dec. 7, Sun. 9am & 11am - Calvary Chapel, Las Cruces, NM. "Sermon on the Mount"
Dec. 7, Sun. 6pm - Calvary Chapel, Las Cruces, NM. "Temple & Olivet Discourse"
Dec. 10, Wed. 7pm - Calvary Chapel Rio Grand, Belen, NM. "Sermon on the Mount"
Dec. 14, Sun. 10:15am - Jubilee Gospel Center, Roselawn, IN. "Sermon on the Mount"
Dec. 14, Sun. 7pm - Hudson Wesleyan Church, Hudson, MI. "Sermon on the Mount"
Dec. 17, Wed. 7pm - Calvary Chapel Osuna Rd, Albuquerque, NM. "Sermon on the Mount" Video of Sermon on the Mount - Click boxes to open your media player SOM - DSL or Cable Sermon on the Mount Dialup
Dec. 28. Sun. 10am - Capitol Christian Fellowship, Santa Fe, NM. "Sermon on the Mount"
2004 Schedule
January 2004
Jan. 4, Sun. 10am - Vineyard Christian Fellowship, Logansport, IN. "Temple & Olivet Discourse"
Jan. 11, Sun. 9am & 10:45am - Faith Community Church, Red Oak, IA. "Sermon on the Mount"
Jan. 11th, Sat. 2:30pm - Clarinda Correctional Facility, Clarinda, IA. "Sermon on the Mount"
Jan. 11, 6pm - Community Revival at 1st Baptist Church, Bedford, IA. - "Sermon on the Mount"
Jan. 18, Sun. 10am - Vineyard Christian Fellowship, Rome City, IN. "Temple & Olivet Discourse".
Jan. 22, Thur. 8pm - Hope Rescue Mission, South Bend, IN. "James"
Jan. 25, Sun. 9:15am - Smith Memorial Chapel at Portage Manor, South Bend, IN. "Sermon on the Mount"
February 2004
Feb. 1, Sun. 8:30 & 10:30am - Calvery Chapel Fellowship, Stroh, IN. "Sermon on the Mount"
Feb. 7, Sat. 7pm - Vineyard of East El Paso, TX. - "Sermon on the Mount" & "Acting One Workshop"
Feb. 8, Sun. 10am, - Vineyard Crossroads Church, El Paso, TX. "Sermon on the Mount"
Feb. 15, Sun. 8am & 10am - Calvary Chapel East Mountain, Edgewood, NM. "Temple & Olivet Discourse"
Feb. 15, Sun. 6pm - First Assembly of God, Bosque Farms, NM. "Sermon on the Mount"
Feb. 22, Sun. 9am & 11am - Grace Brethren, Winona Lake, IN. "Sermon on the Mount"
Feb. 29, Sun. 10:45am - Colonial Baptist, New Carlisle, OH. "Temple & Olivet Discourse"
Spring 2004
March 2004
Mar. 7, Sun. 10am - Pleasant Valley Assembly of God, Chantilly, VA. "Sermon on the Mount"
Mar. 7, Sun. 6pm - Jubilee Christian Center, Fairfax, VA., "Sermon on the Mount"
Mar. 14, Sun. 10am - Christian Fellowship Assembly, South Bend, IN. "Sermon on the Mount"
Mar. 21, Sun. 4pm - The Father's House, LaPorte, IN. "Last Supper Shalom"
Mar. 21, Sun. 10am - 1st Baptist Union, Union. MI. "Last Supper Shalom"
Mar. 25, Thur. 8pm - Hope Rescue Mission, South Bend, IN. "Psalms"
Mar. 28, Sun. 10:45am - First Church of God (Anderson), Owosso, MI. "Last Supper Shalom"
Mar. 28, Sun. 6pm - Ovid United Methodist Church, Ovid, MI. "Last Supper Shalom"
April 2004
Apr. 4, Sun. 10am - Covenant Christian Church, Benton Harbor, MI. "Last Supper Shalom"
Apr. 4, Sun. 6pm - Calvary Christian Fellowship, Howe, IN. "Temple & Olivet Discourse"
Apr. 5, Mon. 7pm - Calvary Christian Fellowship, Howe, IN. "Last Supper Shalom"
Apr. 7, Wed. 7pm - Grace Brethren, Mishawaka, IN. "Last Supper Shalom"
Apr. 9 - Good Fri. 12pm - City Chapel, South Bend, IN. "Last Supper Shalom"
Apr. 9, Good Fri. 7pm - Horizon Christian Fellowship, Indianapolis, IN. "Last Supper Shalom"
Apr. 18, Sun. 10am - East Main St. Church of God, Logansport, IN. "Sermon on the Mount"
Apr. 25, Sun. 9:30am - Eden Worship Center, Topeka, IN. "Temple & Olivet Discourse"
Apr. 25, Sun. 3:30pm - New Harvest Ministries, South Bend, IN. "Temple & Olivet Discourse"
Apr 30, Fri. 7pm - Gospel Center, South Bend, IN. "Sermon on the Mount"
May 2004
May 2, Sun. 6pm - Calvary Chapel, Huntington Beach, CA. "Sermon on the Mount"
May 5, Wed. 7pm - Redlands Assembly of God, Redlands, CA. Youth Group Presentation - "Temple & Olivet Discourse"
May 7, Fri. 7pm - Simchah Yeshua, Hemet, CA. "Sermon on the Mount"
May 8 Sat. 10am - Temple Baruch HaShem, Desert Hot Springs, Ca. "Temple & Olivet Discourse"
May 16, Sun. 10:30am - Ambassadors of Love, South Bend, IN. "Sermon on the Mount"
May 23, Sun. 10am - 1st Light, Cape Cod, MA. "James"
May 23, Sun. 6pm - Malden Nazarene Church, Malden, MA. "James"
May 27, Thurs. 8pm - Hope Rescue Mission, South Bend, IN. "James"
May 30, Sun. 10:30am - Four Winds Fellowship, Decatur, MI. "James"
Summer 2004
June 2004
Jun. 4, Fri. 7pm - DCM Farewell Fundraiser - Cornerstone Community Church, Granger, IN. - "James" All are welcome to this time of saying goodbye as we prepare to move to Albuquerque, NM.
Jun. 6, Sun. 10am - Freedom Rd. Community Church, Springfield, OH "James"
Jun. 6, Sun. 6pm - 1st Church of the Nazarene, Springfield, OH. - "Sermon on the Mount"
June 12 - Sat. 10am - Ohav Shalom, Palm Springs, CA. "James"
Jun. 13, Sun. 10am - Vineyard Christian Fellowship, San Bernardino, CA. "James"
June 13. Sun 6pm - Caanan Assembly of God, Banning, Ca. "James"
Jun. 20, Sun. 8:30 & 10:45am - Northside Church of the Nazarene, Elkhart, IN. "Sermon on the Mount"
July 2004
July 1, Thurs - 7pm - Maranatha Bible & Missionary Conference, Muskeegon, MI. Excertps from John 15 to illustrate John Guest sermon
July 4, Sun. 10am - Scranton Rd. Baptist Church, Cleveland, OH. "James"
July 10, Sat. 7pm - Shokan Wesleyan, Shokan, NY. Temple & Olivet Discourse"
July 11, Sun. 8:30 & 10:30am - Shokan Wesleyan, Shokan, NY. "James"
July 15, 16, 17 - Fri, Sat & Sun - First Light Church, Cape Cod, MA. Street Ministry in Provincetown, MA.
July 18, Sun. 10am - Pocasset Baptist Church, Pocasset, MA. "Sermon on the Mount"
July 18, Sun. 6pm - Faith Assembly of God, Webster, MA. "James"
August 2004
Aug 8 - Sun. 9am & 10:45am - Oasis Community Church, Moreno Valley, CA. "Sermon on the Mount"
Calvary Chapel Albuquerque, NM. "Marketplace AD 29 VBS" Various Scripts. Aug 8 - Sun. 19, 10am -
Aug. 9 - 13. Mon - Fri., 6pm - Valley Assembly of God, Cathedral City, CA. "Marketplace 29 AD VBS" Various Scripts.
Aug. 15, Sun. 8:30 & 10:30 - Calvary Chapel of the Pass, Banning, CA. "James"
Aug 15, Sun. 6pm - Beaumont Assembly of God - Beaumont, CA. "Sermon on the Mount"
Fall 2004
September 2004
Sep. 8, Wed. 10am & 6pm - Bethel College, Mishawaka, IN. "Sermon on the Mount" & "James"
Sep. 11, Sat. 6pm & Sep. 12, Sun. 8am, 9:30am & 11am, 12:30pm - United Wesleyan, Alexandria, VA. Sat. "Sermon on the Mount", & Sun. "Temple & Olivet Discourse"
Sep. 12, Sun. 6pm - Trinity Wesleyan, Annandale, VA. "James"
Sep. 16, Thurs. 6pm - Calvary Christian Fellowship, Howe, IN. "James"
Sep. 19, Sun. 8:30 & 10am - Harvest Fellowship, Leo, IN. "Sermon on the Mount"
Sep. 26, Sun. 10am, Restoration Church, Edgewood, NM "James
October 2004
Oct. 2, Sat. 10am - Baruch Hashem, Rio Rancho, NM. "James"
Oct. 3, Sun. 10am - Restoration Church, Albuquerque, NM. "James"
Oct. 3, Sun. 5pm - Sukkot Festival, Old Town, Albuqerque - "James"
Oct. 10, Sun. 10am - Calvary Chapel, Ruidoso, NM. "James"
Spiritual Emphasis Week Oct. 12 - 15 Markoma Christian School, Talequah, OK.
Tue. 10/12 "James",
Wed. 10/13"Sermon on the Mount",
Thur. 10/14"Acting One"
Fri. 10/15 "Temple & Olivet Discourse"
Oct 12, Fri. 6pm - Go Ye Village, Talequah, OK. "James"
Oct. 17, Sun. 10am - Vineyard Crossroads, El Paso, TX. "James"
Oct. 24, Sun. 10am - Vineyard Christian Fellowship, Colton, CA. "Sermon on the Mount"
Oct. 24, Sun. 3pm - La Hermosa, Cathedral City, CA. "Sermon on the Mount"
Oct. 31, Sun. 6pm - Blaze Christian Fellowship, Santa Fe, NM. "James"
November 2004
Nov. 6, Sun. 10am - Joshua's Vineyard, Albuquerque, NM. "Sermon on the Mount"
Nov. 10, Wed. 7pm - First Baptist Church, Banning, CA "Temple & Olivet Discourse"
Nov. 12, Fri. 7pm - Pine Chapel, Idlywild, CA - Erev Shabbat Service, "James"
Nov. 13, Sat. 7am - Pine Chapel, Idlywild, CA - Men's Breakfast - "Sermon on the Mount"
Nov. 14, Sun. 10am - Dominion Celebration - Riverside, CA. "James"
Nov. 19, Fri. 7pm - Revelation Light of Jesus Christ, Bedford, IA. "James" & "Romans 9,10,11"
Nov. 21, Sun. 10am - First Baptist Church, Bedford, IA. "Temple & Olivet Discourse"
Nov. 21, Sun. 6pm - Bedford Ministerial Assoc., Bedford, IA. "James"
Nov. 28, Sun. 10am - Holy Fire Christian Center, Pocasset, NM "James"
Winter 2004
December 2004
Dec. 2 & 5 - Radio WQKO Calvary Chapel Howe, IN. Tape Time Thurs. 12/2, 7am, - Air time Sun. 12/5, 8:30am - "Our Jewish Roots & the Birth of Messiah"
Dec. 4 - Sat. 10am - Simchat Yeshua, West Covina, CA. Hannuka Service "Romans 9 - 11 - God's Grace & Israel's Place"
Dec. 5, Sun. 10am - New Community Brethren In Christ, Pomona, CA. "James"
Dec. 5, Sun. 6pm - Calvary Chapel, Phelan, CA. "Sermon on the Mount"
Dec. 7, Tues. 12noon - Radio 13.10AM - Interview with Jeramy Reynolds of Joy Junction Homeless Shelter, Albuquerque, NM.
Dec. 9, Thurs. 8pm - Hope Rescue Mission, South Bend, IN. "Acting One"
Dec. 10, Fri. 7pm - Calvary Chapel, Ligonier, IN. "Romans 9 - 11 - God's Grace & Israel's Place" & "James"
Dec. 12, Sun. 9:30am, Croswell Presbyterian, Croswell, MI. - Sunday School - "Romans 9 - 11 God's Grace, Israel's Place" 11am Service - "James"
Dec. 12, Sun. 7pm - Hudson Wesleyan Church, Hudson, MI. - "James"
Dec. 15, Thurs. 12 Noom - Raido Interview, Jeremy Reynolds - 1310 AM Albuquerque, NM
Dec. 15, Thurs. 7pm - Joy Junction, Albuquerque, NM. "Sermon on the Mount"
DCM 2001 - 2004