Drama Ministry - Dramatic Christian Ministries - Narrow Gate Theater - Showtime Or Acts Of The Holy Spirit

   Drawn mostly from John 16, Jesus prepares His disciples for the kind of world that He also speaks of in Matthew 4. "If the world hates you, understand this - it hated Me before it hated you."

    This presentation asks the question, "Where does the Word stop and acting begin?" The production points to how superficial faith does not have the power necessary for living a righteous life and Jesus implores His people to take off the masks that become bondage and futility and instead put on love, put on Jesus, and by so doing, put on the full armor of God.
       Logistics & Setup

Dennis Cole as all the characters
Sound Management: Dennis requires a lapel mic. DCM will work out the sound cues with the sound people 1 hour prior to the event.
Props: A tall stool on the podium area would be good. Clear the pulpit only, no need to clear anything else.
Arrival Time: DCM will arrive at least 1 hour before the service starts to work out details and sound.
Rooms & Water: One room is needed for changing into costume. Also, please provide water at the podium area.
Information Table: A table or space on a table for information about this ministry to be set out. It doesn't have to be a large space but we would like it if it could be in a visible location.
Is It Showtime? Or Acts of the Holy Spirit?