Browse the Calendar to see our schedule. If we are in your area, you may want to come to see us or book an event for your church or organization in your community that coincides with our schedule. Fill out a booking form or use the Contact link to email us to schedule your event. If you would like references, please browse our event archives at left for places we have served at and feel free to call any of our clients.
DCM-NGT presentations are flexible to your individual needs. We are available for ministry anywhere in the world. Please submit an event by using the Booking link on the left or the Contact button to email us and we will work out with you the details of your event. . Use our Publicity Pages for downloading promotional materials and ministry information and our Schedule page to view open dates.Our Productions and Venues pages give detailed descriptions of our dramas and events.
Event Costs:
This a full time ministry with administration, travel, production, development and salary expenses. We prefer that a free will offering be taken at the end of the presentations if possible. We realize this isn't always possible or preferable for you. In those cases an honorarium is also acceptable with the amount to be determined and agreed upon ahead of time.We only ask that once determined there would be no changes without talking to us first.
Travel & Lodging:
In addition to the offering, a travel stipend is also appreciated, but not required. This can includes gas, airfare, meals and lodging. Hotels aren't necessary, In-home hospitality is fine. Travel arrangements are worked out in advance and DCM-NGT is committed to obtaining the lowest available fares so travel will be booked as early as possible.
In case you have to cancel, we would appreciate at least one month's notice to be given because our schedule and travel is set up as soon as you book your event. Any non-refundable or non-reusable fare will be your responsibility should you cancel but with enough notice we are usually able to redirect a flight or use the fare toward another flight on our schedule. Please also be aware that airlines may apply penalties for flight changes or cancellations. If you do cancel on less than a month's notice, we ask, but don't require, that you would give us an offering as we will most likely not be able to replace your service. If we are able to replace the service we will refund your offering if you wish. We look forward to hearing from and serving with you!
Its easy to Book an event! Read our Booking Guide, check the Calendar, fill in the Booking Form and choose the Production you would like to have from the drop down list.
Or, easier still, just call us!