Drama Ministry - Dramatic Christian Ministries - Narrow Gate Theater
Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the way that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. But small is the gate and narrow the way that leads to life, and only a few find it.   Matthew 7:13-14
Dramatic Christian MinistriesDramatic Christian Ministries
Narrow Gate TheaterNarrow Gate Theater
Dramatic Christian Ministries Facebook Page
Dramatic Christian Ministries Twitter Feed
Dramatic Christian Ministries YouTube Channel
Narrow Gate NewsNarrow Gate News
Sponsor Just One Child And Change A Life, A Village, A Nation & The WorldSponsor Just One Child And Change A Life, A Village, A Nation & The World
Hosts: Dennis & Wendy Cole
Hosts: Dennis & Wendy Cole


The Prophet Job TrailerThe Prophet Job Trailer
The Way Of Love TrailerThe Way Of Love Trailer
Suing The Devil TrailerSuing The Devil Trailer
The Preacher & The Gun TrailerThe Preacher & The Gun Trailer
Dramatic Christian Ministries
Narrow Gate Theater
Narrow Gate News
Author: 'The Man'
When Hope Is All We Have'
Welcome To Holy-Wood!
"They devoted themselves to the apostles’ doctrine and to fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer." Acts 2:42
"Peter and the other apostles replied: We must obey God rather than men!" Acts 5:29

     Our ministry not only fulfills the Scripture to go and make disciples, but is a real alternative to the worldview of the Hollywood entertainment industry. We promote holy living that is fulfilling and life-giving as well as creative, meaningful and fun for audiences and actors. We are discovering, moreso every day, that current events and the Bible as 'Immannuel', not the manual, makes for a new theater approach in our times.

     Dramatic Christian Ministries & Narrow Gate Theater invites you to leave Hollywood and choose Holy-Wood!
"The Bible is Immanuel, 'God with us,' not the manual." - Dennis Cole
Bell of Alameda - original live play directed and co-written by Dennis Cole at the Lobo Theater in Albuquerque.
Sermon on the Mount - Times Square
Plays written and directed by Dennis Cole
Counter Culture Community
Production staff for
Sermon on the Mount NYC.
Alveda King critiquing Chapter 20 from "The Man - When Hope Is All We Have."
*Lot's Wife (Sodom & Gomorrah)
*Forever Now
*Unlikely People
*The Emmaus Road
*Cleopas Story*
*Misunderstood Messiah
   (screen play)
*Climbing Mount Sinai
    (Moses testimony)
*The Man Who Switched Medias
    (Luke's testimony)
*Paul in Prison
*The Cost of Christmas
*The Song
1. A new and fresh approach to the ancient gospel message.
2. Our Presentations are where theater meets preaching and teaching. It empowers us to experience The Bible as interactive with God and theatrical. Holy - Wood not hollywood.
3. It's an organic connection of God through Dennis and company. It's a dynamic, yet non-performance approach to communication. Dennis sees God’s desire is to demonstrate Himself through people. This understanding enhances  God’s Presence in DCM presentations.
4. Our ministry cost is based on what is affordable and realistic to your ministry.

A few DCM presentations
*Cleopas Story
*Sermon on the Mount
*The Book of James
*Romans 9-11
*Climbing Mt. Sinai (Moses testimony)
‘The Man - When Hope Is All We Have’ is a good read for anyone who is longing to simply believe again. The Man appears to unlikely people who don't know what to call him or their experience in meeting him.

The Man addresses the  'desperate' in people today with life changing hope. Also, He allows for the 'elephant in the room' to be shared; namely, worldwide government control, with inspired insight into January 6th.
David Cohen went for another walk. In his travels, he happens upon a red door in the Broadway Theater District of New York City. It is a small door into a vast city. As he walks through the maze of his regret he stumbles, and yet is lifted into a new discovery. He had not yet met his destination but finds a doorway into a new beginning. A thinker and a feeling man his journey on this weekend bring him answers to questions he was not aware of asking. On this day's journey, David happens upon the Narrow Gate Theater.


Filmed in
New Mexico
'Cleopas Story' Sampler
'Climbing Mt Sinai'
(Moses testimony)
In 2001 Dennis was a ministry coordinator for Jewish Evangelism. Dennis with Rabbi Kirt Schneider  reconnect after many years at National Religious Broadcasters in Orlando May 2023.
Dysfunctional family finds hope and resolution when they 'switch'. Family is delivered from common sexual delusion of our times.
Available at our publisher Advantage Books  advbookstore.comBarnes & Noble or wherever books are sold.
Carpet for 'Suing The Devil.' Wendy, Dennis, with writer, producer, director Tim Chey.
Why You Want to Invite DCM to make a Presentation
at Your Church or Organization
Thursdays at 1:00pm MT time.
Promesa Network, Aluquerque
on current events & Special Guests.

Film shooting of Emmaus Road

505.259.1282       dcmngt@gmail.com



Dennis played Scrooge
Wendy played Spirit 1. Dennis collaborated  with Charles Dickens original  script 'A Christmas Carol' to make an evangelical new play ' Ebenezer Scrooge.'
Narrow Gate News (NGN) is taking acting values like improvisation and adapting those skills into understanding current world events. Radio, Podcast, Short Video broadcast presentations for the purpose of exploring 'News' events that are happening today. We communicate in a way that leads the listener/viewer to be motivated into a better action.

Scene break from filmshoot of :

'God's Not Dead 5'.

From left to right: Ray Wise, Raymond Arroyo, David AR White, Dennis Cole, DE Dee Sorvino.

All on a Christmas Day - musical.

Current NGN  9/7/24-CLICK & WATCH
'The Bridegroom Is Here-Come OutToMeet Him'
FB Live link
Upcoming Events
Acts 2-42, Fridays
Sept. 13, 20,
Oct. 4

Forever Free, Artesia NM
Sept. 18

Resurrect A Nation
Revival - Oct. 25
New Beginnings Church